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92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

1 Year Upkeep for Missionaries in Sierra Leone

$2,500 of $3,000 raised
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Donation Total: $10

Our missionaries serving in Sierra Leone are committed to advancing the Gospel among the locals. Over the past 4 years, their faithful labors have borne significant fruit, including the establishment of the School of Divine Priorities, a key ministry initiative that equips local believers and commissions them to engage the harvest in their country and beyond.

The Challenge

In Sierra Leone, approximately 78% of the population identifies as Muslim, while Christians make up about 20%. Despite the country’s history of religious tolerance, the vast majority of people have not yet experienced the transformative power of the Gospel.

While the peaceful coexistence between Muslims and Christians is a positive aspect of life in Sierra Leone, it also means that many are comfortable in their beliefs and may not be open to exploring Christianity. This makes the work of our missionaries more crucial than ever.

How Your Donations Help

By donating to this cause, you are ensuring that our missionaries can continue to focus on their calling. Your donations will cover:

  • Daily Living Expenses: Food, housing, medical care, and other essentials for missionaries and their families.
  • Ministry Tools and Resources: Bibles, teaching materials, and transportation, helping them to spread the Gospel more effectively.
  • Safety and Security: Securing proper housing and emergency support, particularly in areas where the risks are higher.

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There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning failure.nn– OLIVER SANDERO

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