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92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Empower Widows with Skills and Sustainable Livelihoods

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Donation Total: $50

Our work among widows provides them with the opportunity to grow spiritually through discipleship, alongside skill development and entrepreneurship. Our programs and outreaches are currently transforming the lives of hundreds of widows across Nigeria, offering them both a path to financial independence and a journey towards deeper Christian maturity.

The Challenge

Widows in many parts of Nigeria face significant challenges, including poverty, social isolation, and spiritual neglect. Without a steady source of income or access to support systems, many struggle to meet basic needs for themselves and their children. Through this initiative, we are committed not only to equipping them with vocational skills but also to fostering their spiritual growth, empowering them to thrive both financially and in their walk with Christ.

How Your Donations Help

our contribution directly supports widows by providing:

  • Vocational Training: We offer training in various trades, such as tailoring, baking, craft-making, and small-scale farming, equipping widows with the skills to start their own businesses and generate income.
  • Christian Discipleship: As part of their journey, widows receive regular discipleship and biblical teaching, helping them grow in their faith, strengthen their relationship with Christ, and find purpose beyond their circumstances.
  • Business Start-up Grants: For those ready to launch their own businesses, we provide seed funding and ongoing business coaching to help them establish and grow sustainable trades.
  • Tools and Equipment: Your donations enable us to provide widows with the essential tools—such as sewing machines, baking equipment, or farming tools—needed to get their businesses off the ground.
  • Mentorship and Support: We offer ongoing mentoring and financial literacy training, empowering widows to manage their businesses successfully while also helping them cultivate spiritual maturity.

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There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning failure.nn– OLIVER SANDERO

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